Wednesday, August 25, 2021

How you doin? It's time to make some sauce!

Via Rusty's Electric Dreams 


  1. It reminds me of Verge Belanger's late-night radio show, for about ten years of which there was a guy who called himself Rev Ron who'd phone up at like 2am and just yammer for half an hour about space aliens, famous football team/govt. conspiracies to kidnap and mind-control him, frozen Walt Disney, everything-- a sentence of this leading into a sentence of that before the sentence even ended, like the first five minutes of the film /Conspiracy Theory/, but Rev Ron had a recurring sound he'd burp out every little while that was the phrase "in any way shape or form" compressed into only two or three syllables, like the How-ya-doin' guy, but without the tomato sauce project, and sped way up.

    Australian transplant (via Britain and then California) singer Charles Cornelius Tyler used to tell about a word his father used nearly ever time he opened his mouth: tenerit. Charles grew up thinking it was a word from the old days to announce you were about to speak, that you were finished speaking, or to express resignation or wistful despair or enthusiasm for whatever had happened, was happening, or would come next-- a sound that meant a hundred things, depending on the timing and occasion. He was eighteen before he realized his father had been saying /at any rate/, and yes, it still meant all those things. Atenerit.

    1. I had a friend who injected the phrase 'in actual fact' into every conversation. I think I'll call him up to see if he's still doing it.
