Thursday, July 29, 2021

A Walk Around Île de la Cité, Paris

One of two remaining natural islands in the Seine, Île de la Cité is at the heart of Paris and road distances in France are calculated from the 0 km point located in the Place du Parvis de Notre-Dame. The island has a long history: 
In 508 Clovis I, the first King of the Franks, established his palace on the island. In the 12th century it became an important religious center, the home of Notre-Dame cathedral, and the royal chapel of Sainte-Chapelle, as well as the city's first hospital, the Hôtel-Dieu. It is the crossing point of the city's oldest existing bridge, the Pont Neuf. - Wikipedia

There was a period of my life when I was besotted with Paris and visited the city twice a year. This video takes me back to those days. If you have not seen them, the windows of Sainte-Chapelle at the 7 minute mark are worth a look. The Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris was badly damaged by fire in April, 2019 and was undergoing restoration when this video was filmed. 

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