First Major Bloomsday (1954)

 I posted this five years ago but, since it's Bloomsday, I'll post it again.

Bloomsday, a commemoration of the life of Irish writer James Joyce during which the events of his novel Ulysses are relived, is observed annually on 16 June. It has been celebrated by some as far back as the 1920s, but in 1954, when Dublin’s literati of the day took to the cobblestones, the event came into its own.

On the 50th anniversary of the fictional events of June 16, 1904,  Irish comedic writer Brian O’Nolan, aka Flann O’Brien; Co. Monaghan poet Patrick Kavanagh; a young critic named Anthony Cronin; A.J. Leventhal, the Registrar of Trinity College; and artist, publisher and publican John Ryan were joined by a dentist cousin of Joyce’s, Tom Joyce, to embark on a pilgrimage of all the Dublin sites named in the epic novel. 
Much alcohol was consumed.

Read more about their revelry here 

