Sunday, August 23, 2020

Sunday Links

Delft-Style Weaponry by Artist Helena Hauss Contrasts Fragility with Strength and Destruction (photo above)

City Guesser - Can you guess what city you're in? This game is seriously addictive.

This is kind of sweet: Alex Trebek serves Regis Philbin a sandwich Via MeFi

On The Market: Schindler’s Lovell Beach House, 1929 in Newport Beach, an example of the International Style in Southern California. Via

Hey cockroach hold my smoke!

Escape to the enchanting Italian village of Panicale, one of Umbria's magical hill towns. It looks idyllic.

Meet the world’s first hijab-wearing champion wrestler: At five-feet tall and around 94 lbs, the 20-year-old doesn’t look like your typical wrestling star.

Getting sick of the feline domination ot the internet? Here are 30 Lovely Vintage Jack Russell Photographs

Let's House Hunt for that All-American Utopian Commune.  12 listings that would be perfect your very own socially-distanced utopia in 2020.

In October Closer to Van Eyck, a new website devoted to the Ghent Altarpiece, will be launched that will include more detailed images of the restoration work on the15th-century altarpiece by painters Hubert van Eyck and Jan van Eyck.

The Sifter is a searchable database to assist people with food related questions. At present it includes over 5,000 authors and 5,000 works with details about the authors and about the contents of the works.

The Bubble House Eleven Domes. Twenty rooms. 1,050m2 floor space over three levels poised on 5,109m2. Via Rusty's Electric Dreams

A great thread by @JayHulmePoet: A few days ago I got a message from a priest like "do you wanna come and visit this church?" There was one odd thing about it though, he sent me the church name, and the post code - and that was it. No street name, no village, no... Nothing. Via MeFi

Font fans will appreciate this: Typeset In The Future | Typography and Design in Science Fiction Movies h/t to my Facebook pal Hal who turned me on to this.

The story of the Roanoke colonists who vanished without a trace from North Carolina in the late 16th century has always intrigued me. Now it appears that the 'mystery is over' Via Neatorama

How to behave in church via everlasting blort

Prisoners Share What Surprised Them About The World After Getting Out Via Miss Cellania

"Shifting Nests" Is a Concept for Tiny Homes on Vacant Urban Lots

The Sheep Of The Sea is a species of sea slug that has the unusual ability to photosynthesize.

stoxart (@stoxart): Stock charts reimagined as landscapes.The stock market never looked so beautiful.

To oblivion and back In 1929, the last sea otter in British Columbia was shot dead. Now they're back. And they're hungry. Via MeFi

An Egg Dressed for Every Occasion 

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