Saturday, April 25, 2020

Carmen Miranda Colourized

Here's an after lunch pick me up for you. Dance like Carmen Miranda in Copacabana.

1 comment:

  1. Just on a whim I saved a couple of adjacent frames of this film, where the foreground character is moving laterally, and used Irfanview to combine them into one stereo 3D pair.


    Cross your eyes to merge the two Carmens into one, focus on her face, and then look around in the rest of the image. I’m sure I’m not the first to think of this technique for making stereoscope images from film clips, but I'm thrilled with how it turned out. If you do this for a viewer like Google Cardboard, where you're looking straight ahead, you'd put the left image on the left and the right on the right. And if you do a bunch of cross-your-eyes ones and want to quickly shift them over to straight ahead ones, you could simply reverse the finished single pair-images left for right in a batch. Words on screen would be backward, but so what?

    Next I'm going to try this with /Firefly/, and /Thunderbirds/, and /Rick and Morty/, and...

    Thanks so much for featuring Carmen Miranda. It's so sad how she died so young.
