Sunday Links

1935 Auburn 851 Supercharged Speedster
The Art Deco movement influenced design and marketing in many different industries in the 1930s, and the motor industry was no exception. Click for some gorgeous examples Via Everlasting Blort

Some People - a beautiful and powerful message from Jason Kottke. Read it right now.

Gardens You Can Virtually Tour Right Now

Photographs Of Native Americans In Ceremonial Masks, 1905-1915

How to Build Your Own Airplane  This should keep me busy while I'm confined to quarters. Thanks Bruce!

Bottoms up! Actor-filmmaker Paul Feig shows how to make his perfect martini.

Hey kids! Want to drive your parents bonkers during self-quarantine? How to Make Bagpipes Out of a Garbage Bag and Recorders 

Watch SXSW shorts for free courtesy of new Mailchimp platform #SupportTheShorts 

The Atlantis of Wales? How a storm revealed a Welsh kingdom 

The N95 mask: The untold origin story Thanks Bruce!

“The Roads Not Taken”: A Robert Frost Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Poem

How to Revive Stale Bread: This easy tip for refreshing day-old bread will make a stale loaf taste freshly baked. You're welcome!

The Moment the Myth of Alien Abduction Was Born It began with a trip to Niagara Falls…

Coronavirus: Jamie Oliver teaches us how to make pasta with only one item 

Collectors Weekly brings us a lovely collection of Vintage Costume Brooches  on E-Bay.

London's Dreadful Visitation: A Year of Weekly Death Statistics during the Great Plague (1665) 

Why the World Overlooked Canadian Whisky My tipple of choice was Bourbon until 2016 when I decided to hold my nose and go Canadian. 3-1/2 years later I've grown fond of the stuff.

New York City Quarantine Colouring Activity Page 

Surgical masks are scarce and should be reserved for health professionals. Cynthia Korzekwa reminds us that this virus is likely to stick around for awhile and shares some videos on how to make your own masks.

At Home With My Mother: Anthropologist and writer Delwar Hussain's account of recent weeks of self-isolating, alone with his mother in the family house in Spitalfields. A nice story.

Cooking from the pantry: 15-Minute Stovetop Mac and Cheese uses canned milk. I haven't tried it yet but they describe it as "ultra gooey" so it must be good! (I had to Google "American Cheese". In Canada we call it "processed cheese ".)

So pretty! The candy pastel perfection of old Russian houses. Via

Virtually Tour the Winchester Mystery House Constructed in 1884, the San Jose mansion is said to be haunted by the ghosts of people killed with Winchester rifles, which were the creation of its original owner’s widow Sarah Winchester. Free while it's closed due to the COVID-19 virus. Via Facebook.


  1. Paul Feig had me until he added the lemon twist. It has to be olives!

  2. Yeah, I’m all about the olives too!


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