Hopefully you'll never have to evacuate in a hurry due to a natural disaster but if you do this simple trick may help when you return home. How will you know if your freezer was running the whole time you were away? If the power was out while you were gone, everything from meat to milk might be at risk.
Put a quarter on top of a cup of frozen water in your freezer. When you return, if you find the quarter on the bottom of the cup, you'll know your food was unrefrigerated and is no longer safe to eat. Found the quarter in the middle? The food is likely still okay. Ideally the quarter will still be resting on top. That means your freezer's contents stayed frozen the entire time.
Thanks Cheryl.
Sweet trick! My kid had to evacuate from Savannah for a hurricane a couple of years ago. No damage at all, but their refrigerated food was very obviously spoiled, which was a tragedy for four broke college students.