Sunday, March 17, 2019

Sunday Links

Ogawa Kazumasa’s Hand-Coloured Photographs of Flowers (1896) 

How To Respond To Criticism.  Frequent contributor Bruce sent this one to me. It's hilarious and very helpful. Next time someone criticizes me I'll run into a cave and break my ankle.

The 20 greatest breakup songs ever Why is Smoke From Your Cigarette way down the list at number 19? That's so wrong!

Mob deep: Russian mafia gravestones Via Blort

Life and art in a Victorian worker's house - in pictures 

10 Scenes from a New England Crime Blotter : Reading police reports can tell you a lot about a place. But you might find out more about residents’ paranoia than you do about actual crime.

Sláinte! An Irish pub born in the Dark Ages Could it be the oldest pub in the world?

Walt Disney's Frozen Head: a science fiction movie secretly shot at Walt Disney World 

Scientists discovered 103 beetles on one island, and got to name them all One tiny green weevil is named Trigonopterus yoda, after the Jedi master from Star Wars. T. asterix, T. obelix, and T. idefix are named after three main characters in a French comic series.

A year of haiku about my kids. Via

Rembrandt in the Blood: An Obsessive Aristocrat, Rediscovered Paintings and an Art-World Feud 

Want to get away from it all? You can rent this Scottish Stone House with a Minimalist Soul

Kratu, the Happy-Go-Lucky Rescue Dog

Quid Pro Quo: The Three-Act Structure of a Thrilling Scene from The Silence of the Lambs

The Best Baguette in Paris

An 1896 catalogue for The Metropolitan Machinists’ Co, yet another of the lost trades of Bishopsgate.

Restored footage of the first nuclear bomb detonation 

Janelle Monae's Stylist Has A New Clothing Collection — At Goodwill SoCal

Music Writer From 1999 Predicted What Bands Would Still Be Around in 2019

The London Nobody Knows Narrator James Mason takes us on a tour of London in the late 60s. He wanders through abandoned, once-grand theaters, speaks to the indigent at a Salvation Army hostel, and takes us into the Holborn public lavatory that once boasted live goldfish in tanks to look at while urinating. Via Ian Visits

An Engineer's Intriguing Kodachrome Photos Of Sweden in the 1940s  I'm semi-planning a trip to Stockholm in September.

Hand-Painted Ceramics of Everyday Objects Inspired by Classical Chinese Paintings

The Bermudian caves that inspired the show Fraggle Rock

The Worst Hotel Fails 


  1. Sharktooth10:21 am

    The hand coloured flowers are amazing!

    Brooks bicycle saddles are still made today, and are very expensive. They must have figured out that the B28 Scorcher was not really a great name for a saddle.

    Evil, evil, Nag. I lie here baguetteless here on a Sunday morning, and am subjected to best baguette in Paris. Pure evil.

  2. I'm glad to see that you're still checking in here Sharktooth. I didn't mean to taunt you with a yummy baguette.

  3. Sharktooth11:05 am

    I usually drop in at least once a day, since you often have links that interest me.

    I've pretty much given up on commenting, however, since the verification system gets progressively worse. Today was the worst ever. The images now show up in a tiny window with scroll bars. I now have to scroll with my reading glasses, and it's practically impossible. This is on a 12 inch laptop. I'd hate to think what it might be like on a tablet or phone.

    But I just had to comment today, since I WANT ONE OF THOSE BEST BAGUETTES IN PARIS! DAMMIT!

    On the other hand, I could thaw out a couple of pieces of Dempsters 12 grain from the freezer.
