Sunday Links

Eartha Kitt in Istanbul, 1949

The Surprising Story of Eartha Kitt in Istanbul

"I try to convince myself that it’s the alcohol talking. But alcohol can’t talk. It just sits there. It can’t even get itself out of the bottle." 10 Quotes About Drinking Too Much

Sun Ra's Afrofuturistic Album Covers

The story of the 1890s women who fought stereotypes to become professional cyclists. Link

When Elvis Came 5th In A Talent Show

Trip to Abandoned Russian Village

Even God is uneasy, Say the moist bells of Swansea.

Medieval Islamic cookbook

Last week, Jenny Saville’s 1992 painting "Propped" sold for a grand total of $12.4 million, propelling the English artist to become the most expensive living female artist. Link

Inside the rooms where 20 famous books were written.

Places to see in San Miguel de Allende

The best instagram accounts for gardening inspiration.

Woman wins literary prize from institution where she cleans.

Scuba Diving Magazine's 2018 underwater photo contest winners.

