Wednesday, April 18, 2018

World’s Fastest (Backwards) Runner

After a career-ending knee injury, Aaron Yoder discovered he could run in reverse, pain-free.


1 comment:

  1. interesting. 1976. High School Cross Country practice. we were doing a training called Dipsy-doodles. paired runners. one starts out around the track/football field running backward. other waits at start position. when backward runner reaches 50 yards out, the other runner takes off forward at a sprint to catch the reverse runner. when they meet up. both jog slowly to the next long straight and change tasks. I remember this very well, because I injured my hamstring, ending my season and HS career.Dunno if it was from the backward running, but I have not tried it since then. perhaps there is a stretch or preparation that I should have done to prepare...
