Sunday, February 18, 2018

Sunday Links

GIN - How The Liquor Known As “Mother's Ruin” Went From Scourge To Savior

This is so cool: Looking out the window is like a never-ending movie about a small, specific place in the world. Windows of San Francisco features views from 100 different windows around the city.

How figure skaters choose their music, explained with Adam Rippon 

Sausage, Kale, and Crouton Saute from Smitten Kitchen So easy. So damn good.

Talking animals: we aren’t the only species capable of speech …  Ongoing studies show that some mammals and birds can mimic the sound of the human voice.

Metal Cats: Hardcore Metal Musicians Pose With Their Cats 

The Evolution Of The New York City Skyline

Cow escapes on way to slaughterhouse, smashes through metal fence, breaks arm of man trying to catch her then swims to safety on island in lake Badass bovine!

You Have to Be a Practicing Christian to Own a Home in This Idyllic Michigan Town

50 Epic Design Fails We Can’t Believe Actually Happened 

Flickr's Top-25 photos of 2017 

A Talking Cat Fought the Law, and the Law Won

Fortean Ireland: Dark Days and a Phantom Town

Best First Class beds in the sky, from Singapore Airlines’ suites to Etihad Airways’ apartments

5 Reasons You Should Build a Bug Hotel and How to Do It

Tangled Up in Blue: Deciphering a Bob Dylan Masterpiece

Absurdist Dialogues with Siri: channeling the personality of a nonhuman living among humans.

Sidewalk Labs: Google’s Guinea-Pig City in Toronto  Will Toronto turn its residents into Alphabet’s experiment? The answer has implications for cities everywhere.

Gucci Celebrates The Year Of The Dog

1912: The Newfoundland Who Made a Daring Ice Rescue in Brooklyn

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