Wednesday, December 06, 2017

TIME Person of the Year 2017: The Silence Breakers

"This reckoning appears to have sprung up overnight. But it has actually been simmering for years, decades, centuries. Women have had it with bosses and co-workers who not only cross boundaries but don't even seem to know that boundaries exist. They've had it with the fear of retaliation, of being blackballed, of being fired from a job they can't afford to lose. They've had it with the code of going along to get along. They've had it with men who use their power to take what they want from women. These silence breakers have started a revolution of refusal, gathering strength by the day, and in the past two months alone, their collective anger has spurred immediate and shocking results: nearly every day, CEOs have been fired, moguls toppled, icons disgraced. In some cases, criminal charges have been brought."
More here 


  1. yup.
    the question in the long run will this sustain? have we truly turned a corner....
    hope so. long overdue.

  2. Fingers crossed but not breaking out the champagne yet.

  3. I don’t think so, even as the trend grows it’s still picking low hanging fruit. The best we can hope for is a better balance. If Archie Bunker Inc has no stockholders to nag him, he’ll do what he damn well pleases.
