Sunday, December 03, 2017

Sunday Links

There are fewer links than usual this Sunday because I am logging some beach time in Cuba where the internet is spotty. I’ll be churning out more posts when I return to Nag headquarters this week.

YEAH architects designs a sustainable super-building with a dome-shaped shopping mall

The #Giving Tree Shel Silverstein's story updated for the age of social media.

What you would read if you were Austin Kleon

Peyton's Place When John Jeremiah Sullivan and his wife leveraged everything they had to buy a big brick neo-Colonial in Wilmington, North Carolina (the Hollywood of the South!), their realtor made an irresistible proposal: By allowing a popular teen TV show to film at the house a few days a month, they could pretty much get the mortgage covered. What came next was a journey into a pop-cultural hall of mirrors. Via

Thread count is a lie — here’s how to buy high-quality sheets

Dewatered Niagara Falls (1969)

What the Hell Was That 'S' Thing Everyone Drew in School? 

The Epson panoramic photography awards 2017


  1. hope you enjoy your time in Cuba. have a safe trip. look forward to more typical Sunday Links ..what next Sunday? anyway...enjoy! :)

  2. have a good time in cuba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
