Sunday, November 27, 2016

Sunday Links 31

50 Years Ago, Truman Capote Hosted the Best Party Ever The evening survives on film and in the recollections of the guests who are still alive 50 years later.

Looking forward to my stay at Leman Locke in March.

Architectural photographer Rod Edwards specializes in 360º virtual reality imagery and interactive virtual tours of iconic buildings that allow you to explore built landmarks without leaving your couch.

100 Years of Artists' Maps of New York City

Truth, Lies, and Videotape Jailed in Japan for a crime she didn’t commit, a young American teacher learns the meaning of the phrase sho ga nai — “It can’t be helped.”

On The Internment of My Grandfather Could it happen again? My grandfather has an answer. “Yeah, you know why? Because at the time we went to camp, we had the same Constitution.”

The Silent-Film Career of Tony the Wonder Horse

I didn’t speak for 17 years  I liked not speaking. It gave me peace. People ask if I spoke to myself, but why would I? I’d just have complained when I had no one to blame but myself.

WE ARE WORDS from the always entertaining Paul Bassett Davies. Thank you, and have a bodacious Heffalump.

Official trailer for Martin Scorsese’s new movie Silence. I rewatched Mean Streets just last night and wondered if he had something new coming up. The trailer looks gorgeous.

Nobody Cooks, and Maybe That's OK The move away from making food from scratch has been accompanied by a big increase in obesity that is probably not coincidental.

Wonderful tales lurk behind the name of the streets of S.F. 

I Was a Teenage Nazi Wannabe The alt-right is a loser's poor fantasy of what a radical revolution looks like. I should know.

My year of no spending is over – here's how I got through it

The Belvedere Hotel in Corleone, Sicily shut its doors to tourists in late 2013 and reopened in 2014 under new management – a co-operative that also runs care homes in Sicily – the hotel became an ‘extraordinary reception centre’ for migrants, one of about 3000 in Italy.

All That's Left When You Die Last month my dad turned seventy-eight years old. A few days before his birthday, I drove down to San Diego to see him.

Alicia Keys Live In Paris

The real endangered species on the coast of the US isn’t the piping plover or the loggerhead sea turtle. It’s an unengineered beach. Via

How the Photography of Dorothea Lange and Ansel Adams Told the Story of Japanese American Internment

Prominent, prolific and often acerbic restaurant critic AA Gill announces cancer diagnosis in latest review.

The Underappreciated Art of the Hollywood Backdrop

Watch Free Online Documentary Films and Free Documentaries Thanks Bruce!

Westway Architects, in collaboration with Stefano Pavia, turned a railway workers housing building in Milan into a large vertical loft with an M.C. Escher-like staircase

Building Dreams and Nightmares  One of the surest reflections of a society’s values can be found in what it builds. Despite uncertainties about exactly what travails the Trump presidency will bring us, I am convinced that the architectural imprint he has already imposed—extrapolated to a national scale—tells us all we need to know.

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