Sunday, January 25, 2015

Heroes of Science Action Figures

Datazoid on DeviantArt created these action figures of scientists.  Each figure took between 40 minutes and 2 hours each to complete, totalling around 50 hours of work.

Click here for larger image

Here are his selection criteria:

"The scientist must have been alive at some point in the 20th century. This is a practical consideration, as it really narrows the field down, and it eliminates a lot of the more outrageously-dressed characters, allowing me to work with mostly dudes in suits.
No scientists famous for major medical breakthroughs. Primarily because medical heroes is a category all of its own, and there are hundreds to choose from. I’ve included Alexander Fleming here, because he was primarily a chemist, and because his discovery of penicillin was not a discovery made in the course of trying to cure something."
Alas these aren’t real toys.

Thanks, Bruce!

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