Monday, June 23, 2014

Santa Maria Novella Armenia Paper

The Santa Maria Novella pharmacy has been making Armenia Burning Papers since the 16th century. Scented with Frankincense and Myrrh, they are used to remove unpleasant odours from a room. Simply take one paper, fold into an accordion shape and light one end, blow out flame and place it on a heatproof dish. The paper reacts like incense.

I spent a long time browsing vintage-packaged soaps and perfumes when I was in the store in Florence last year but overlooked the papers. They will be a definite must if/when I return to Florence. Heck, I'll even buy some for my son who is currently on a Frankincense kick.



  1. I buy Armenian paper in France. It's still being manufactured and it works wonderfully well. You can buy it on Amazon too. It costs very little

  2. Thanks Simon. I'd never heard of it before.
