Friday, May 02, 2014

Interweaving the Threads of Technology and Tradition

The project LACESCAPE TABLE  by Miro Roman & Luka Vlahović is a 3D printed tablecloth/table that blends modern technology with traditional craftsmanship. It was devised by Croatian women lace-makers and is completely digitally designed and fabricated.

Thanks Meredith!


  1. OK, it's lovely but after reading the links, and the links from the links, I still don't know what the hell it's made of. Laser cut what?

  2. But without the stubbornness!

  3. Bruce, I have no knowledge of 3D printing though I'm eager to learn. It seems almost SciFi to me.

  4. Not printed.
    "When the design process is completed, the digital production takes place: the robots – the ones for cutting and bending – convert the digital image into of a real table.
    They cut the design into a sheet of something, I'd guess aluminum to be strong enough, but they don't say.
