Saturday, March 23, 2013

Costumes and Conflict - The Morning News

Herero Women Marching” (2012) © Jim Naughten, Image courtesy of Klompching Gallery, New York City

“Herero Woman in Patchwork Dress” © Jim Naughten, Image courtesy of Klompching Gallery, New York City

The Hereros of Namibia added Victorian fashion to their traditional costume under German influence in the late 19th and early 20th century.
London based photographer Jim Naughten became fascinated with this community. His series “Conflict and Costume” is on view at New York City’s Klompching Gallery through May 4, 2013.
I'd never heard of the Herero people and found their story very interesting.

Read more at The Morning News
Thanks Bruce!


  1. I recognized Herero women even before I read this. My Mom brought me a doll dressed in this style back from Namibia where she served in the Peace Corps. She was airlifted out due to injury and couldn't even pack her things, so she bought the first souvenir she found in the capital as she waited for a flight.

  2. Thanks for this Miss C. I don't suppose you still have the doll?

  3. Oh yeah, I have it! Probably still in a box from the last time we moved. One of these days I will have glassed-in cases to display neat personal stuff without the cats ruining it.

  4. It's definitely post-worthy.
