Sunday, November 11, 2012

Putting it all away for another year

I haven't had any significant relations with my garden since August. It was a long dry summer and nothing did well so I lost motivation. However today was lovely here in NOTL and I emptied pots, planted bulbs and weeded. Now I'm having a Guinness and raising a glass to a better gardening season in 2013.


  1. Not bad at all.

    We have just a few pots. My wife uses them to grow bell peppers.

  2. We have 30 pots and I tripped while carrying an armload of cut sweet peas and fell headfirst into all the clay pots. Ouch!

  3. Even now, your garden is very photogenic.

  4. Anonymous2:46 am

    I still think it looks beautiful! Sorry about your spill--happens to me all the time! (I'm so clumsy!) Can't wait to see your garden next year--I enjoyed all the pictures this year.

    Sal's Girl

  5. I'm hoping for warmish weather again today so I can finish up. Now I don't feel horrified every time I look out the kitchen window.

  6. It still looks decent

  7. It always looks better from a distance.
