Monday, September 03, 2012

The Puffin Patrol

Photo: The Girl From Around The Bay

Puffins are meant to live at sea. They come to land each summer to nest and the colony of 500,000 at Witless Bay, Newfoundland is the largest in North America. The chicks leave their nests in August to head out to sea by the light of the moon but some confused birds fly toward inland lights and are killed by cars.
Juergen Schau, a semi-retired film executive from Berlin, formed the Puffin Patrol to prevent this from happening. Patrollers in security vests take shifts all season, from 9 p.m. until 2:30 a.m. They capture the wayward birds in butterfly nets and meet at daylight to release them. This year they saved 500 puffins.
Read more about the project at The Globe and Mail


  1. Maybe they should set up a lightship for when the moon isn't full.

  2. Great idea! I predict a successful new career for you in the field of puffin consulting.
