Maze Maker Finds Few Wanting to Solve It

It will take cartoonist Joe Wos about 100 hours to draw this 35-foot-long, 4-foot-wide maze and will take about 30-40 hours to solve it. The goal? To make it into Guinness World Records.
Guinness accepted Mr. Wos's proposal on condition that it be 10 square meters, or 107.6 square feet, drawn by him alone, with witnesses—five people are witnessing and signing off at regular intervals—and that it be solvable (by someone else).
Most people he approached were not interested in taking on the onerous task of solving it. Finally Mandi Bridgeman of ToonSeum agreed to do it. Since Wos is only 99.4% sure it can be solved there is a slim chance that Mandi may regret her decision.

Thanks Bruce!

