Friday, August 31, 2012

London Zoo animal audit

The London Zoo is recording the height and weight of their 16,000 animals. The data will be used to compare information on endangered species.

Thanks Bruce!


  1. Anonymous9:48 pm

    Okay, this comment is silly and gratuitous but: Does that penguin have a navel? I mean, I thought eggs and, uh... Gee, I wish I'd listened when Dad stammered through that birds-bees-flowers thing. (Which I never got anyway. A bee is going to take my pollen and make some girl pregnant?!?)

  2. I enlarged the photo and what looks like a navel is one of several spots on its tummy. (I can send you a link to a 50s sex ed video if you're still confused about your pollen.)

  3. Anonymous5:36 pm

    That's okay, my kids explained it to me.

  4. That's my laugh of the day.
