Sunday, August 12, 2012

Eric Chapeau's Coquille d'Oeuf

Eric Chapeau applies eggshells to the surfaces of furniture and interiors using an ancient Vietnamese technique that was introduced to the West in the 1920's, referred to as Coquille d'Oeuf by the French. It's a very labour intensive but lovely method of refinishing furniture.

Photos - AD

I used to put eggshells that I saved all winter under the hostas to deter slugs. I hope this artist doesn't have to eat as many eggs as I did. 


  1. Years ago I read about a dude who was declared a Japanese national treasure. He created pictures using little pieces of Quail egg shells. National Geographic had a picture of his last mural which had been made from pieces of 20,000 Quail eggs. When they asked him about the difficulty he said he and his wife hoped to never eat Quail eggs again.

  2. Interesting story. Thanks.
