Monday, July 09, 2012

Jason Kenney, Don't Ask Me To Support Your Health Care Cuts To Refugees

After reading this article  I felt I had to e-mail this self-congratulatory waste of skin. I know better than most that these people don't listen to anyone but CEOs but it made me feel better to vent.

Dear Minister Kenney:

I come from an immigrant family. My ancestor, Jean Trudel(le), arrived in Quebec from Parfondeval, France in 1655. The first mass in Quebec was performed in his house in l'Ange Gardien.  He and his wife, Margueritte Thomas, made a home and raised a family in that community. A marker stands in his honor there today. Celine Dion is also, I am told, one of Jean's descendants.
Your punitive cuts to Canada's Refugee Protection Act sicken me. I stand with doctors, front-line health care workers, rabbis and other fair minded people in condemning the denial of health care benefits to refugees. 
You have tarnished Canada's reputation as a humanitarian nation. My family has been here longer than yours and I am ashamed of you.

Marilyn Trudel Bellamy


  1. Kudos, on walking the walk.
    I think you should of printed it and stapled it to his chest.

  2. This government goes out of its way to pander to the lowest common denominator. There are 2 things that really annoy me about this whole issue:

    1. Kenny says refugees are getting more benefits than Canadian citizens and this is an out-and-out lie. They are getting exactly what other low income Canadians get.

    2. Posting a petition on his site asking people to tell him how wonderful he is goes beyond tacky.
