Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Toronto Artist Paints Portrait Of The Queen

Phil, Phil where have you been? 
I've been to London to visit the Queen.

Phil Richards, a Toronto artist, was commissioned by the government of Canada to paint a portrait of the Queen on the occasion of her Diamond Jubilee. The 9ft x 6ft painting will eventually hang in Rideau Hall. Below is a picture of the unveiling with Richards 2nd from the left. And below that is a photo taken  on the occasion of my first wedding where Phil (far right) served as best man. I was just 17 years old and the marriage was short lived. It was evident even at that early stage that Phil, at the time a student at OCA, was going places artistically.

Phil Richards standing with the Queen(2nd from left)

Phil Richards at my wedding (far right). 

My sister looks neutral, my ex-husband looks concerned, I look rather pleased and Phil looks like he wishes he were somewhere else.


  1. You were an adorable child bride in your mini and tights! And Phil Jackson is still hubba hubba. I found this photo where you can see his face:

  2. It was a very informal affair. One of the reasons we opted to make it legal was to qualify as independents (as opposed to children) for student loans. Crazy times.

  3. They were crazy times!
    His painting looks great.

  4. He'll likely get a lot of commissions out of this.

  5. Anonymous6:30 pm

    After all these years I am still fond of mini-skirts.

  6. Even when worn by a knobby kneed girl?
