Wednesday, March 14, 2012

St. Patrick's Day Recipes

One of my favourite recipe blogs, Closet Cooking features a whole bunch of delicious looking St. Patrick's Day Recipes. Change your name to O' something, throw on a Chieftans CD and start cooking!
If the Apricot Glazed Corned Beef with Colcannon and Sauteed Cabbage, Steak and Guinness Pie or Guinness Chocolate Cheesecake below don't appeal to you there are plenty more to choose from.


  1. Reminds me of what my Dad taught me...the recipes he learned in Northern Ireland...making the most of the very little they had.
    Irish Champ (similar to Colcannon) & Fish cakes.
    Puts me in the mood to make a rather nostalgic St. Paddy's Day meal.

  2. I usually make corned beef and cabbage on St. Patrick's Day but may shake it up a bit this year. Whatever I cook there will be Guinness to wash it down.
