Thursday, March 15, 2012

Glowing Sushi

Are you hankering for some how-in-the-dark kryptonite wasabi?

  • Before you start read the Safety Eassay.
  • Freezing the fish for 48 hours will make it safer to eat.
  • Whatever you do make sure the fish don't breed!

I think I'll pass on any food that looks like Superman's worst enemy. Let me know how it tastes.



  1. If it doesn't look any different until you shine a blacklight on it, why bother? put a blacklight in the toilet to catch a sushi thief?

  2. I just want to point out that:

    1) The official GloFish site specifically says "GloFish should not be eaten."

    2) Freshwater fish are not recommended for sushi because they have a much higher risk of parasites.

    3) The average home freezer is nowhere near cold enough to kill off parasites.

    Their safety page is full of nothing but pseudo-scientific BS. I'm really hoping that the entire "Center for Genomic Gastronomy" is an attempt at humour.
