Wednesday, November 09, 2011

I Call It Romance, He Calls It Bromance

Now I know why it's been so long since our walls have received a coat of paint! Real men don’t paint their basements in Butterscotch Tempest. They colour the walls with Beer Time.  CIL has given 27 paint colors new aggressive and boozy names intended to appeal to "real men". 
National Post photo
Alas I think it would take more than a paint colour with a name like Dirty Socks to get the paint brush out chez Nag. Perhaps Brute Force would get the job done?


  1. Ha! Dirty Socks was actually my fave!!

  2. Hmmm... I wonder how they would "man up" the new paint on my kitchen walls, a light, buttery yellow called "Summer Wish".

  3. How about "Drunken Yellowbelly"? It has the requisite alcohol and aggression.

  4. I will bookmark this site and visit again. It is very informative. Thanks for sharing.
