Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Ronit Judelman's Guns

No human hands pull the trigger. The gun/mob appears to take on a life of its own. Guns induces a sense of sadness and helplessness. Limp, wasted, lifeless miniature people suggest the impotence of war. The work impacts by using visual ambiguity. The multitude of colours implies playfulness, only to induce, on closer scrutiny, confusion and doubt.

1 comment:

  1. “Limp, wasted, lifeless miniature people...”
    If the artist was describing what he hoped to portray, he failed.
    Specifically because they are not limp like a rag doll, which can elicit empathy, but rigid plastic toys, that don’t look like were ever alive, or people.

    I think this artist is pulling a Yoko Ono, showing something that's undefined, and trying to convince you if you don't have the same reaction to it, you're just not hip.
