Monday, September 19, 2011

Debating Russian Style

This is one television debate on the global economic crisis that captures public attention. Mr. Polonsky had just said he felt like “bashing” Mr. Lebedev in the face. So Mr. Lebedev did just that to Mr. Polonsky. The blow sent the towering Russian tycoon sprawling to the ground.Mr. Lebedev subsequently explained his sudden attack on Mr. Polonsky on his blog: “I had to listen to his very aggressive behaviour for an hour and a half. He insulted everyone in the room.”
Read more here


  1. Nothing I like better than to see billionaires beating on one another.

  2. Must be nasty working for either one of these guys...not your 'boss of the year' types!

  3. I can't imagine working for either of them. I've always worked for people who don't resort to physical violence.
