Saturday, April 23, 2011

R.I.P. Hazel Dickens, Mountain Singer and Champion of Workers' Rights

Hard luck and hard times.... she was a woman who came from humble roots and never forgot it.
Part 2, where she talks about the tough lives of miners is a reminder that the advances and benefits we enjoy today as workers, union or not, are due to the fights of the unions.

Mr. Nag calls me a hayseed but I can't help but love this music.
Via John Gushue . . . Dot Dot Dot


  1. Anonymous2:54 am

    Thank you so much for finding this. I saw where she died today and wanted to know more about her.

  2. I also knew very little about her. I'd forgotten she was in Matewan. I'd like to watch the movie again in honour of Hazel.
