Monday, April 04, 2011

Best Tool Chest Ever

This creator of this tool box is an example to all those who leave their tools where they fall. Mr. Nag Take note.
Another big thank you to Bruce.


  1. Sue Dunham8:55 am

    I'd seen pictures of this beautiful chest before. The filmed demo is better. Of course if it was too heavy to move, there was no real need to put everything in one small package.

  2. A person would be able to find his Phillips screwdriver and wouldn't let loose with a stream of expletives.

  3. tools are all manufactured by the "Leaverite" Tool Company of Philadephia, PA.

    When you finish with a tool, "leaver 'er right" where she is, boy!.

  4. I don't know why, but this is just a blank white space in my browser.
    Um. No, in three different browsers.

    Oh well, I shall never know what it was. Me. Tool using man. Tool coveting man.
