Photo by Noa Bronstein
Each of Katharine Morley's porcelain vases features a hand drawn icon- be it flora or fauna- reminiscent of a province or place in Canada:
Pink Lady’s Slipper - PEI
Common Loon - Ontario
Great Horned Owl -Alberta
Inukshuk - Nunavut
Fleur De Lis -Quebec
Woodland Caribou -Newfoundland & Labrador
Spirit Bear -British Columbia
Red Spruce -Nova Scotia
They are available for purchase at The Design Exchange Shop for $50.00
Link - Via If It's Hip, It's Here
Could you explain the selection for Prince Edward Island?
ReplyDeleteThe lady's slipper is their provincial flower.
ReplyDeleteI've long thought that with a sufficiently large group of people, PEI would be a good place to rebuild civilization after a zombie apocalypse: decent enough industrial base, healthy farmland, large enough to grow a population but small enough defend. It's also close enough to Canada to raid for seek additional resources, but far enough away that there's less of a chance that zombies will simply wash ashore on a daily basis.
ReplyDeleteBut I'm sure that as a native Canadian, you've already thought of this.
If I'm not eaten I'll meet you and the rest of our crew there post apocolypse. Keep it quiet though - we don't want the zombies getting wind of it.
ReplyDeleteI've also looked into walling off Nova Scotia at the narrows. We'd probably use PEI as a staging base to do that, since it will require enormous effort and resources.
ReplyDeleteAlternatively, we could sever Long Island, which has plenty of industrial resources for a couple of generations. But that would require some initial bridge and tunnel demotion. And that's not easy work. Also, body washup from NYC could provide ongoing problems.
Cuba would also be a breadbasket for a re-emerging human civilization. It's just that the island never freezes over, so clearing the island would be profoundly difficult.
Anyway, we will need a lot of resources to tackle any of these projects. PEI alone would, in my estimate, require a thousand skilled people and two years of supplies (one year to clear the island, another to plant crops).
If the apocalypse takes place after our federal and provincial elections I can round up those volunteers who aren't totally burned out to do the labour; although some of them may resemble zombies after back to back elections they are actually good people. You'll have to be in charge of supplies. I'll require a few cases of Irish whiskey, some French wine, 650 thread count sheets and some Lush bath bombs.