"A Wave of Reason" is the seventh installment in the Symphony of Science music video series. It is intended to promote scientific reasoning and skepticism in the face of growing amounts of pseudoscientific pursuits, such as Astrology and Homeopathy, and also to promote the scientific worldview as equally enlightening as religion. It features Carl Sagan, Bertrand Russell, Sam Harris, Michael Shermer, Lawrence Krauss, Carolyn Porco, Richard Dawkins, Richard Feynman, Phil Plait, and James Randi.
Via 3quarksdaily
First you tell me to, "Add a little whimsy to your world", then you tell me to abandon that for, "A wave of reason". Are you toying with my emotions? :o)
ReplyDeleteWhen in doubt opt for whimsey.
ReplyDeleteLord Peter Whimsey?
ReplyDeleteIf that's what you're into :-)