Thursday, November 25, 2010

Little piggies are greasy

Believe it or not I have been stopped on the street many times and once on an airplane by people who are convinced I am Edith Prickly (aka Andrea Martin). I'm not but she lived around the corner from me in Toronto many years ago and her son, Jack, was in a playgroup with my son, Jake. I'm not sure that I'm cool with being compared to Edith; after all I do not wear faux leopard.
Fancy Notions


  1. Anonymous10:42 pm

    really...people mistake me for tom selleck all the time

  2. Tom Selleck is a sex symbol. Edith Prickley most definitely is not.

  3. Anonymous2:16 am

    Prickley not a sex symbol? Pshaw!

  4. Anonymous6:25 pm

    merci amigo! grand poteau!
