Monday, November 01, 2010

Go Figure

What do people like? Search me. I posted this link a few days ago and got 3 comments. Miss C posted it on Neatorama today and also received 3 comments (so far). I've received thousands (yes you heard that right) of hits off her post today.


  1. Hey I came for the Phd animation (having just failed to get my application in by the deadline, it confirmed why I was having so much trouble writing the damned thing... 3-5 years writing about imaginary architecture and video games O_o ewwwwww) -- but I stayed for your miscellany of topics that I love. And now you're on my Google reader...

  2. Don't people come to your site, to see what blows your skirt up?
    You can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself, I guess.

  3. Glad to have you on board, Director!

  4. Bruce, I've had my book blog for years and only a handful of people ever read it but I persevere. Lots more people come to NOTL but yesterday I was really surprised to see that little clip get so many hits.

  5. Whenever my hit counter goes from "several" to "Quite a few", I'm quite intrigued. Most of the unexpected visitors just zip through, staying for an average time of no (0) minutes.
    Few, if any, leave any graffiti.
    I have two counters, and they never agree on the numbers of visitors. Sometimes I get a rash of hits, with "no referrer".
    A really, really busy, record breaking sort of day gets a couple of hundred visitors.

    good grief. that's several, lots of times, more than I have fingers!


  7. I almost didn't post the clip. I liked it but figured others might not. Then I thought (as I often do)," WTF, it's my blog and I can blog what I want to." We'll see if any of the horde decide to stick around. I will welcome those who do and certainly won't fret about those who don't.

  8. Anonymous3:33 am

    Nag book blog? link?


  10. The number of comments has nothing to do with the popularity of a particular item. If someone likes it, they are more liable to tell OTHER people about it than to leave a comment.

    But if it has a typo, you may have as many comments as you have views!
