I'm Voting Tea Party

I'm Voting Tea Party brand t-shirts by Jeremy Kalgreen


  1. Why don't you identify yourself? BTW a majority of Americans elected Obama.

  2. I think the majority of Americans can also laugh at themselves. Instead of only laughing at others.

  3. I can honestly say that I don't know what the majority of Americans think. Nor do I know what Jesus would do. I can't even say with great certainty what I think. I only know that some things I see amuse me and I will continue to post them.

  4. Nag, Sorry, but the majority of Americans did NOT elect Obama. He received 66,882,230 votes, which is less than 1/3 of the number of Americans eligible to vote. Just sayin'.

    And while it is purely an interesting but meaningless question, I wonder how many of that 66,882,230 would do it again, considering his work since taking office.

  5. You're right of course. The majority of those who voted cast their vote for Obama.

  6. Anonymous9:57 am

    What good would identifying myself do? We don't know each other. I stumbled upon your site because it was featured on Guy Kawasaki's website. My point is that you're making the incorrect assumption that the Tea Party was formed as a result of, and in opposition to, Barack Obama's election, and that is simply untrue and unfair. The Tea Party formed after George W signed TARP into law. As much as you want to present the Tea Party as an out of touch, lunatic fringe, most of the polls, surveys and research actually conducted on the movement find it to be no such thing. Even James Carville had to admit the movement was more mainstream than first though, and was not motivated by race. The Left has always hid their agenda underneath nifty slogans like the ones your t-shirts portray. If you repeat these slogans often enough you come to believe them uncritically. Anyone who speaks out against them is immediately dismissed as lacking a sense of humor. If you truly believe these things about the Tea Party why not boldly admit it rather than hide behind corny sloganeering?

  7. I was interested in who was calling me wacky for posting some silly slogans. Obviously you take this very seriously. I don't. This blog is not a political blog. It's mainly a collection of things I find amusing. I'm sorry that some people get their knickers in a twist over it.

  8. Anonymous11:15 am

    Fair enough. It may not be a political blog, but those are most certainly political shirts. Plus, it's driving hits to your blog, so be thankful! Just out of curiosity, are you really selling those shirts and, if so, have you sold any? I'm actually very intrigued now...

  9. No, I'm not in the t-shirt business. I just post silly links that catch my attention. You're right about this drawing hits but I don't know how many folks will actually return.

  10. Anonymous3:09 pm

    I promise to return from time to time. What would you do without me?


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