Sunday, August 16, 2009

Are you the Einstein of art?

At the end of Will Gompertz's Edinburgh show, Double Art History, the audience are asked to take a test. Want to know how you'd get on? Try your hand at some of these questions.


  1. Okay, I took the thing and it won't show the "right" answers, just said I was dumb. That is correct. I am dumb for taking the test.

  2. I'm dumb too but when I clicked on "show answers" the correct ones came up.

  3. Anonymous9:26 pm

    I have a degree in art history. That is not to say that I know anything about it.

    I got 5/8.

    The difference between Monet and Manet (if I can just geek out for a minute) which was not offered as one of the choices in this quiz (I chose the answer that Monet had a much larger beard, which I believe is also a difference) is that Manet was still using black in his art, whereas Money abandoned it completely... and used colours to shade.

  4. I also scored 5 out of 8. You're right the quiz didn't test real art knowledge.
