Sunday, June 28, 2009

Is this romantic or what?

Mr. Nag and I, like many other people, were talking about Michael Jackson. I think he was a major talent and remember being positively impressed when I first heard Billie Jean. Mr. Nag said he thought Michael Jackson took Motown in a negative direction. I asked (tongue in cheek), "Does this mean this is the end for us?" to which he replied, " I don't think there could be an end to us."


  1. Sue Dunham9:21 am

    Aw, that IS sweet. Mr. Nag sure treats you right.

  2. That's why we've lasted 30 years.

  3. I'll have to keep him chained up so no one steals him.

  4. Anonymous5:22 pm

    I'm sure he's just as lucky to have you, little Nag.

  5. Nice of you to say so.
