Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Problem with Young People Today Is…

The Problem with Young People Today Is that they slouch.

When I was a boy, kids were expected to stand up straight. Only old people slouched and that was because they had earned the right to do so. Old folks had “the stoop” – a slouch of honor that you were awarded after a life time of hard work mining coal, forging steel or raising a dozen children in a dirt floor shack.

If I had ever slouched around my house, my old mom would have beaten me senselessness with a lemon reamer and then locked me the root cellar to think about the error of my ways.

Old posts from an old man about god damned young people. Hilarious.


  1. That crabby old man once beat me senseless with a slotted spoon.

  2. You probably deserved it. Fess up, were you slouching?

  3. ...Yeah, I was.



  4. Anonymous2:24 pm

    I've had the biggest belly laughs today thanks to you (and well, Don) ... also tweeted this.

  5. I didn't realize that I knew Don until he emailed me after I posted this. He's a man of many aliases, a master of disguise but, if one looks closely enough, his curmudgeonliness always shines through.
