Friday, January 02, 2009

Human Thing

The Be Good Tanyas


  1. Anonymous7:58 pm

    I love the Be Good Tanyas!

  2. Aren't they the best evah?

  3. Anonymous2:22 am

    I live in Nelson, BC, where the Tanyas met at music school; close to Kaslo, where the Tanyas really got going; and Salmo, where Frazey lived.I saw their (semi)farewell concert in Nelson when Frazey was about 8.9 months pregnant. It was great! I thought it wonderful that they gave their final performance at home, so to speak. And, though I was concerned for Frazey being on her feet all that time, I was happy that it lasted about three hours. And I was so happy that they managed to survive the break and come back strong.

  4. I wish I could have been there. Mr. Nag thinks they are over represented on my iPod but I can't get enough of them.
