Monday, October 27, 2008

I Love Lucy Pilot (1951)

Did I ever mention that I love I Love Lucy? When I was a child that theme song was a call to arms - I'd come flying in from whatever I was doing (most likely fighting with my sisters or playing with Barbies) and plop myself down in front of the old B&W, prepared to chuckle and guffaw. I even loved that lush Desilu heart that appeared in the credits. I thought I'd seen every one at least 5 times but I somehow missed this pilot episode. This is where the fun began.

This is just the first part. Watch the other segments of this pilot at Classic Television Showbiz: I Love Lucy Pilot (1951)


  1. A lot of people don't know that Lucy saved Star Trek.

    After the first six episodes or so, the production company making Star Trek decided to drop it and Lucy stepped in and revived it.

    Pretty smart business move, in the long run.

  2. I'm sure a lot of folks are very grateful.
