Saturday, October 04, 2008

The Campaign

I've had a good feeling from the start about the campaign I'm working on in the Welland Riding. We're outsigning the other two parties and voter contact has been quite positive. NDP leader Jack Layton visited the riding and conducted a town hall meeting that focused on the dramatic job drain this area has experienced. Conservative leader Stephen Harper also came to the riding and for reasons that are unclear to most folks here made an announcement concerning flavoured cigarettes! Then, during the national leaders' debate, he stated that average Canadians aren't worried about job loss. Well I can tell Mr. Harper that average Canadians in this riding are more than concerned as their lives are being reduced to ruins as jobs leave the region like water through a sieve.
Yesterday ultra-conservative Toronto Sun columnist, Christina Blizzard, wrote an article that confirmed the positive vibe we've all been getting:
You just sense that, barring any sudden, stunning upset or a personality transplant for Dion, Welland will be shifting on Oct. 14.
It won't be Dion's Green Shift they pick. They'll be making an orange squash -- to Jack Layton.

It's too early to break out the champagne but we are all encouraged.


  1. Wait, you mean other countries have elections? Huh. Interesting.

  2. We're down to the last days and I can return to my sort of life before too long.
