Sunday, September 14, 2008

david foster wallace

David Foster Wallace took his life on Friday. So awfully young, so terribly sad.

Here he is reading some of his non-fiction:

Here are some DFW links:
The Howling Fantods
DFW considers the lobster has compiled a lot of DF W links over the years.
Kenyon Commencement Address
A David Foster Wallace Valentine

I am ashamed to say that I have started to read his masterpiece Infinite Jest on more that one occasion and though I recognized his genius I became overwhelmed and put it down.


  1. Wow, I completely missed that news.

    I agree with you on the difficulty of his work... It took me a heck of a long time to get through Consider the Lobster. However, I think I'll revisit the essay from that book on John McCain that he wrote during his coverage of McCain's 2000 campaign.

  2. Once I get through the next crazy month I'm going to give Infinite Jest another chance.
