Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Font Fun

Font Conference Via Transbuddha

What font are you? Take the quiz below:

I am Times New Roman -
You can come off slightly stodgy. You are often found in intellectual circles, but the average person finds you boring.
In my unbiased opinion I am anything but stodgy. In fact I am the anti-stodge.


  1. The only one I could come close to answering was favorite flavor, but "none of the above" was the answer on all counts. What font would that make me?

  2. How about "Not Trying Hard Enough" font? :-)

  3. Ok, smartypants let's break it down.
    I'll be brief.

    1. Friday night, I'm working until midnight. Sometimes after work, I go get a drink, get some coffee, go to a friend's house, get something to eat or go home. Usually some combination of the above.

    2. Depends on the party. Usually what I want, always sans the LAN party.

    3. None of these.

    4. A number of these.

    5. Ditto

    6. Friends, all of the above.

    How's that for trying! ;}

  4. E for effort,dude, but nobody calls me smartypants and gets away with it!
