Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Let me know if you're getting sick of these, won't you?

I have some cranesbill geraniums today and.....

....robin's eggs in one of my hanging Boston ferns. Watering it may be problematic.


  1. I think they're nice. Keep 'em coming.

  2. Have been reading you for a few months after your blog was mentioned in Chatelaine. I really enjoy the pics of your garden & the wildlife in it.

  3. Glad to meetcha, Nancy. I'll see if I can snap some pics of the baby skunks under the porch for you.

  4. Like Nancy, I have been following your blog since it was mentioned in Chatelaine.
    I move from N-O-T-L in 1981 with a brief re-appearnace in 1993.
    I miss it very much and your pictures bring the warm, fuzzy feeling of 'home' back to me.
    Keep them coming!!

  5. It is really beautiful in Niagara at this time of year. So many beautiful gardens and flowering trees. My husband and I walk 8 km along the Niagara River most days and we really wouldn't want to live anywhere else.

  6. Anonymous2:00 pm

    I'm a gardener,too, and it's always a treat to see what's happening in other people's gardens across Canada.
