Saturday, May 24, 2008

Can you taste the difference?

World's Best Vodka? It's Anybody's Guess:
First I served frozen shots to the group in a blind test. Grey Goose, Absolut, Belevedere, Ketel One, and Popov. One, the Ketel One drinker, successfully picked his brand out of the pack, but only after considerable angst and anguish, so much so that I made the group repeat the exercise. It seemed like he guessed and got lucky. In the second pass, none successfully picked their brand.

I don't drink much vodka and I can't tell the difference between brands. This study appears to support my opinion, suggesting that vodka afficionados make their choice based on branding rather than taste. Mr. Nag would disagree; he loves his Stoli and was not happy when I picked up a bottle of Absolut for him instead, thinking in my deluded way that all vodkas taste the same. It is, I admit, entirely possible that my tastebuds have been ruined by all the cheap toxic plonk I've imbibed over the years.

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