Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Worst Swear Words

Bad Science » Sweary Mary rates the nasty words.

I'd move "bugger" down the list. You probably don't remember when Georgette referred to her baby as a"bugger" on the Mary TylerMoore Show on prime time. Georgette was such a sweetie that the word became all warm and fuzzy, no longer an obscene expletive.


Via Linkbunnies


  1. Anonymous1:00 pm

    My god please dont put a list of swear words on the computer if little children saw it they could go round swearing at people and elderlys so be careful wot u put on the pc!

  2. Eidolon8:56 pm

    um excuse me but you just said god which is considered a swear word by some people. please be considerate of others and think before you post.

  3. Anonymous4:11 pm

    Yea would your children look this up?? Huh. This doesnt magically come up on the screen. Hmmm why did you look this up???????
