Monday, June 04, 2007

Beautiful Pinhole Photography

Pinhole photography by Mieko Tadokoro English:

"In the high-tech world pinhole photography becomes perfectly an outsider, but a tiny hole is the oldest optics which led the Renaissance scientists to invent 'Camera Obscura', ancestor of modern cameras."

Via Wood's Lot


  1. Anonymous4:51 pm

    ... hey, was just skipping around the net and hit on your blog quite by accidnet, 'Nag on the Lake' is a great 'title'! And THEN, I hit on this post ... wow, THANKS. As a pinholer, I really dig where this guy is coming from .. BUT equally I am as aware of how easy it is to 'tweek' pinholes via computer. Once the image is 'digital', it really is no longer 'pinhole', imho. Perhaps a minor point to some, but kinda major point for those who muck in the craft ...

    Off now to view 'Audrey Hepburn's Photos' on your blog ... ???? ... gee GOODIES ... :)

  2. Glad you like the blog. Hope you'll continue to drop in from time to time. If you let me know when you're coming I'll make you a cup of tea :-)
