Don't Give Up The Nag For Lent

The other night I was listening to a group of people talking about what they gave up for Lent (I had to be there, it was not my choice). One of the group turned to me and asked what I'd decided to do without during the Lenten period. Being a perverse sort of atheist I answered, "I've taken up smoking."
It blew me away that people still give up stuff for Lent. What would I give up to curry favour with the Lord and/or to prove that I possess an iota of self discipline? I guess I could substitute Irish whiskey for wine but just the thought of such cruel deprivation makes me cringe. How about foregoing cigarettes, chocolate, gambling, foxhunting or cocaine? No problem since I don't indulge in those particular vices. Perhaps I'll just give up on expecting Mr. Nag to pick up after himself....
When I was a kid and lived at my grandmother's place we couldn't eat meat on Fridays because Jesus died on that day. So we had yummy fish and chips instead. That's what I call a win-win deprivation situation. We loved Fridays - and it made Jesus happy.

